The Framework provides broad direction for early childhood educators in early childhood settings to facilitate children’s learning. EYLF is an ’emergent curriculum’ – its focus is on the process of learning which is seen as a shared relationship between educators and children and its goal is to respond to each child’s interests.Children’s interests, highlighted through play, exploration, and inquiry are combined with intentional teaching. The Cottesloe kindergarten and Child Care Centre’s curriculum is constantly evolving and changes on a monthly basis.
✔️ Children have a strong sense of identity
✔️ Children are connected with and contribute to their world
✔️ Children have a strong sense of well-being
✔️ Children are confident and involved learners
✔️ Children are effective communicators
The importance of purposeful play.
Communication and language skills including early literacy and numeracy.
Supporting children's physical, personal, social, emotional, and spiritual development.